Water Environment Field Station
- The research and education center is located by “Kasumigaura,” the second largest lake in Japan. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology • Japan placed it as the only joint educational site in Japan for lake study to establish “A field education center for environmental science of hydrosphere to advance multidirectional understanding of relations between lake environments, ecology and humans.”
- Available for your use for practice and research are lakes, such as Kasumigaura, rivers, agriculture areas, fisheries, tourism, geology, history, and disaster defense using local resources.
- These activities include field training of undergraduate students, academic studies involving those for dissertation, and theses for master’s and doctorate degrees. The station is available for students from elementary, junior high, and high schools and for workshops held by private enterprises and private citizens.
- Examine the web page described below to learn the facilities and instruments available for field training and research work, when you can use them, and how to apply for them.

Education of Sustainability Science
- Graduate Program on Sustainability Science, Graduate School, Ibaraki University (GPSS) is a common subject shared by all four graduate schools. Several subjects such as International Educational Practice (taught in Vietnam) and Domestic Educational Practice (taught in Joso City) are available.
- Our Institute, along with The University of Tokyo, Osaka University, and United Nations University, is a member of the joint education program of the Sustainability Science Consortium (SSC). Those who joined this program and who earned the predetermined number of credits are provided with a certificate of SSC completion.
Subject Group | Subject Name |
Basic subjects | Frontier of sustainability science (*Remote English lecture combining SSC universities) Global environmental systems I/II Sustainable social systems I/II Human systems I/II |
Practical Subjects | Fieldwork in sustainability (International) (in Vietnam and other places) Fieldwork in sustainability (Domestic) (in Joso City and other places) Seminar in developing facilitation capacity I/II |
Specialized Subjects | Subjects that each department offers |
* SSC: General Incorporated Association Sustainability Science Consortium
- We present “Introduction to Sustainability Science” as a core subject for undergraduate students. Lectures from all faculties include discussion of climate change and sustainability. Panel discussions are done, as well.
- Extending the traditional education of sustainability science, we are constructing an educational system for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Vietnam – Japan University Program of Climate Change and Development
Vietnam – Japan University (VJU) was opened in September, 2016. Ibaraki University is the managing institute for “Program of climate change and development” to manage to develop human resources to take active roles in international academic circles, possessing and applying high knowledge of climate change.
Faculty and other staff members of Ibaraki University provide VJU students with lectures and thesis guidance in Hanoi or through on-line facilities.