GLEC, aimed at establishing a unique center of excellence for co-creative research and education of the environment through community-based efforts, provides a platform through which diverse researchers gather and cooperate, transcending and encompassing the frameworks of humanities and sciences. That idea of co-creative research will bring about a new and unique co-evolution of research and education. Our visions and ideas include the following:
[1] Unique center of excellence for co-creative research and education of environment to find comprehensive solutions to environmental, social, and policy issues
We propose visions for and solutions to the concept of a sustainable society against global and local change of the environment. In pursuit of that objective, we publish and spread the valuable fruits of academic activity through field-based surveys and research in multiple fields, along with construction of socio-environmental profiles integrating data obtained there. Therefore, we establish a center of excellence for research and education to accomplish the objectives we have set for ourselves.
[2] New development through inheriting achievements at our university and multilayered fusion of academic fields
We amalgamate field sciences, predictive and policy sciences, and practical technological development into one to solve issues. After finding solutions to resolve local difficulties locally, we apply them to domestic and foreign issues. Thereby, we construct a multilayered human network combining our district, all of Japan, and the world.
[3] Taking over old and new “Challenges”
We conduct surveys changing the shapes of local and global environments using multiple methods of science and making records while handing them down to younger generations. In doing so, we introduce new approaches of rapidly developing research methods involving digital technologies such as AI and data science.
GLEC is designed to prepare “Think-tank functions of local environment based on science” and “Cultivation of human resources,” and to realize a “Hub of cooperation extending the experiences in Ibaraki throughout Japan and the world.”